Thursday, 10 November 2011

Video analaysis for homework

The music video is called no sleep which is performed by whiz khalifa, the video is based on a character that wakes up after a big party, and explains what he remmembers throughout the night and also the following morning his song.  Items or props include alcohol bottles, party props such as baloons ect. The story was based on someone that wakes up from a hangover and try's to recover and figure out what is going on and the message of the video is to live life to the full and the mise en scene for the film is based on partying and living it large ect., as for a purpose the video does not include one but there are hidden advertisements if you look closely.
Most of the video is based in a club, the rest is outside the club.
There are a wide range of different camera angles and shots aswell as special effects that were included in the video, dress type and clothes were mainly smart casual there was also a mix of both men and woman.

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